Credit Course Schedules

Human Services - Summer 2025

Term Definitions

In Person
Classes meet in person on campus; specific days/times/location
Online - Asynchronous
Classes meet fully online; no specific days/times/locations
Online - Synchronous (Zoom)
Classes meet via Zoom or other resource; specific days/times
Hybrid - Online Asynchronous & Online Synchronous (Zoom)
A portion of the classes meet synchronous via Zoom or other resource and a portion is asynchronous online; there will be some specific days/times
Hybrid - Online & In-person
A portion of the classes meet in person on campus and a portion is asynchronous or synchronous online; there will be some specific days/times/locations
Hybrid - Online Asynchronous & In Person
Classes meet in both asynchronous online and in-person modes; specific meeting times and locations for in-person portions of classes are listed with each course
Hybrid - Online Synchronous (Zoom) & In Person
Classes meet in both synchronous online (Zoom) and in-person modes; specific meeting times and locations are listed with each course
Combines online and face-to-face instruction. Students may participate in different ways: online - synchronous, online - asynchronous, face-to-face, or as a flexible learner (student has a degree of choice as to how they participate each week).
Flex courses may provide students with the opportunity to meet in-person on campus, on the synchronous days and times already scheduled, if conditions allow.
Imputed credits
Imputed credits are developmental courses for students who need to prepare themselves for college-level work. They count toward financial aid requirements but do not count toward earned college credits or GPA.
Interactive TV
Classes are taught live from one campus location and broadcast to one or more additional campus locations. Cameras and microphones at all sites allow faculty and learners to see and talk with each other.
Crisis Intervention — 3038
HUS 1350 – 1 credits
Jennifer L. Howe

Students will learn evidence-based prevention, assessment, intervention and resolution strategies to respond to an individual in a crisis situation, including but not limited to suicide, intoxication, aggression, delusion or psychosis. Students will learn techniques to increase the resilience of their clients to prevent crisis situations, recognize triggers, and increase environmental and individual supports. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. Campus: J fall, spring; C fall, spring Institutional Course Syllabus

May 21 – Aug 14 TBD
Generalist Practice Skills — 3039
HUS 1410 – 3 credits

Students will be introduced to the fundamental skills, techniques, and strategies used in the helping professions. Students will develop and practice each step in the case management process from engagement to termination. Utilizing a systems framework, students will learn to interview and assess client needs, identify community resources, and apply problem solving strategies and evidence-based interventions. Students will further explore the legal and ethical responsibilities of the practitioner, and demonstrate documentation skills involved in service planning. Students will learn to present in a case conference and explore methods for evaluating client success and helper effectiveness. Prerequisite: HUS 1210 (not required if pursuing the Certificate in Addictions Counseling). J spring, occasionally fall; C spring, occasionally fall. Institutional Course Syllabus

May 21 – Aug 14 TBD
Interviewing and Counseling — 3040
HUS 2230 – 3 credits
Francis G. Lachappelle

Students will develop entry level interviewing skills appropriate for work in human services agencies. Counseling theory and techniques of interviewing are emphasized. Students will learn about the therapeutic relationship, non-verbal and verbal communication, multicultural interviewing, and crisis intervention. A variety of clinical techniques are discussed through role playing and case discussions. Prerequisite: PSY 1510. J fall, spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

May 21 – Aug 14 TBD